Thursday, 29 September 2022

A healthy heart is a key to happiness and long loving life. It will keep you stress-free which will in turn keep you away from cardiovascular diseases. The theme of World Heart Day 2022 is Cardiovascular Health for Everyone. The Summit will aim to produce a series of quality discussions across many strands, focusing on the prevention, treatment, and management of cardiovascular disease worldwide. Best wishes on this World Heart Day. #worldheartday #heart #heartday #health #healthyheart #healthy #cardiovascular #cardiovasculardiseases #itsengg #itsengggn

A healthy heart is a key to happiness and long loving life. It will keep you stress-free which will in turn keep you away from cardiovascular diseases. The theme of World Heart Day 2022 is Cardiovascular Health for Everyone. The Summit will aim to produce a series of quality discussions across many strands, focusing on the prevention, treatment, and management of cardiovascular disease worldwide. Best wishes on this World Heart Day. #worldheartday #heart #heartday #health #healthyheart #healthy #cardiovascular #cardiovasculardiseases #itsengg #itsengggn

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